
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Lori Walburg

I usually have a list of books that I want to check out for my kids at the library; however, my girls like to go through the rows of books and randomly pull some out. I look through the books to make sure that they will be interesting for my girls' age group. Last time they pulled out two books that turned out to be true treasures. They are written by Lori Walburg "The Legend of the Easter Egg" and "The Legend of the Candy Cane". The words, the pictures, and the messages were amazing. My girls have big smiles on their faces every time we read these books. Even though they are about Easter and Christmas, we enjoyed reading them now.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Library - picks of this week

Our family loves the library. We had amazing libraries where we used to live, but now our library is very small, so we commute to another nearby city to get a bigger selection of book.
My children get so much joy from going to the library and reading the books we check out. The benefits of reading a great: vocabulary, imagination, fun, healthy.
We usually check out about 20 books a week. Some we like so much that we keep them longer and can't stand parting with them.
Here are some of our favorites from the last couple of weeks.
Ella Sarah gets dresses by Margaret Chodos-Irvine
My girls love this book a lot, because they can relate to Ella Sarah, who chooses the clothes that her parents and older sister consider too "dressy", "fancy", and "silly". But to little Ella Sarah and her friends the clothes is just right to have a tea party.

"Llama llama red pajama" by Anna Dewdney
Another favorite. My children and I can relate to llama's experience: minds of little kids can't understand that mamas can be busy. However, "mama llama's always near, even if she's not here".

"Our library" by Eve Bunting
This is why we love our library. We can learn anything from the books we check out.

"There is no place like space"
An awesome book about space. I think I will be buying this one. My girls loved learning about different planets, the Sun, the Moon, constellations from this easy to understand rhymed book. It can also be a base for a lesson about the Solar System.