
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Laptime "Bathtime"

1. Hello song (I put the bathrobe on for this laptime)
2. Who like to take baths? Story about animals who didn't like baths.
 "Mrs Wishy-Washy's Farm"

3. Bathtab song (take props out of the tub as you sing)
("If you're happy and you know it" tune)
There is a duckie in the tub, in the tub,
There is a duckie in the tub, in the tub,
There is a duckie in the tub
Rub-a-dub-a-dub-a -dub
There is a duckie in the tub, in the tub.

(other props: dolphin, fishy, turtle, diver)

4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive

5. Rubber duckie from Sesame Street

6. I had a little turtle rhyme and fingerplay

7. "The treasure bath"

8. This is the way we wash ("Here we go round the mulberry bush" tune) Give out washcloths

This is the way we wash our face,
Wash our face, wash our face.
This is the way we wash our face
Rub-a-dub-dub in the tub.

(our hair, fingers, arms, bellies).

This is the way we brush our teeth...

9. The teeth book Dr.Suess

10. Bathtime by Raffi and catching bubbles

11. Now it's time to say goodbye

Laptime "the Moon"

1. Hello song
2. Hey diddle, diddle on a flannel board
3. Give kids white paper plates and let's all jump over the moon
4. Book "Kitten's First Moon" Kevin Henkes

5. 1 little, 2 little, 3 little moons (counting song)
6. Take a trip in my rocket ship to the Moon.

Zoom, zoom, zoom, We are going to the moon,
Zoom, zoom, zoom, We'll be there very soon.
5,4,3,2,1  Blast off.

Fly around the library.

7. Aiken Drum with props (ladle, spaghetti hair and such). Kids make music with shakers.
8. "Goodnight moon" by Margaret Wise Brown
8. Now it's time to say goodbye.

Audrey Wood

We have been reading books by Audrey Wood and we love them. Here are a few of our favorites.

 "The Napping House"
This book came with a CD and we had a blast listening to the Napping house songs in the car.

 "Silly Sally"
Audrey Wood's website has images from her books for coloring.

 "Quick as a cricket"

Kids can relate to this one :) These books have fabulous words and beautiful illustrations.